I am truly blessed to have this practice and consider it a ministry and calling. I look forward to working with you and helping you to experience break through and healing in whatever struggles you are facing.”
Tish Figueroa, Owner of 120 Wellness
Your work was what I was missing, your help to get to the root of why this has started overall was key to my awareness and letting it go.
— Angela

Our Mission

To help people heal and recover naturally through non invasive treatments, nutrition, detoxification and supplementation.

To educate people that God designed our body to heal itself and that He gave us everything we need on this Earth to support that Healing process.

To introduce people to God’s Medicine, showing them that Herbal Supplements, Essential Oils and a clean fruit and vegetable dominate diet is the key to optimal health.

To educate the Christian Community that Energy Therapy is not evil. To remind them that God created the Energy System otherwise it wouldn’t exist and that His word says everything He created is good. Therefore, the Energy System is good and using the Energy System to heal our body is part of His original plan.

To share with Christians that this knowledge has been stolen and perverted, turned into Occult or Witchcraft practices in order to hide it from the Christian Community and prevent them from using it. It is time to take this knowledge back!

To provide Holistic Education and Treatments through the 120 Wellness Foundation to underprivileged individuals and communities that desperately want and need Alternative Therapies but can’t afford them.

The Meaning of the Name 120 Wellness

Many people ask me about the meaning of my business name. As a Biblical Health Coach and Energy Kinesiologist, It’s all about the scriptures for me. The number 120 in the Bible is pretty significant. It’s known throughout scripture as meaning a divine appointment. So I consider our sessions together "Divine Appointments." Here are some examples of the number 120 in the Bible:

  • 120 disciples where present when the Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room. Acts: 1:15

  • 120 disciples choose Mathias, the new Apostle to replace Judas after Jesus’ ascension. So it symbolizes unity and authority.

  • Moses was 120 years old when God revealed to him that Joshua would be leading the Nation of Israel into the promise land, meaning freedom and deliverance. Duet: 31:2

  • In the book of Ezra there were 120 Sanhedrin established in every city (government officials) so its symbolizes order

  • Also in the book of Ezra, 120 Jewish Men were gathered together to restore and gather together all the scriptures and scrolls. So it is associated with the divine word of God.

  • 120 priests were chosen to do the rituals in the Holy Temple and care of the Ark of the Covenant, representing Holiness. 2 Chron: 5:12

  • The 12 tribes of Judah and the 12,000 mentioned in revelation represents salvation.

  • The most famous reference to Genesis 6:3. says, God gave man 120 years to change their ways before the flood came. It was a warning of the disaster to come from the enemies plans. This scripture is God giving an opportunity for repentance and a time of deliverance allowing man to be rescued from the demonic tragedy to come so it symbolizes deliverance.

120 Wellness is a place to find freedom and salvation. It’s a place of God’s deliverance and healing. 
We help you let go of the past, release trapped emotions and re-establish or strengthen your relationship with Almighty God preventing the flood waters from drowning you in your own circumstance or health concern.

Our Practitioners

*Tish Figueroa (owner/ReikiMaster & Instructor/Energy Kinesiologist/certified natural health practitioner)

I’m a Certified Biblical Health Coach, Master/Instructor Energy Kinesiologist, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, and Reiki Master. I created 120 Wellness to help you strengthen your body systems by eliminating spiritual interference, emotional stress and physical pain so the body is free to heal itself naturally. With my extensive knowledge and training, I provide a variety of Energy Therapy Techniques, expert Holistic Health Coaching, Alternative Treatments, and Spiritual Counseling.

  • Muscle Response Testing Certification: 2007 Instructor Debbie Ulrich

  • Certified Natural Health Practioner: 2009 including Nutrition, Practicum, Iridology, Body Systems, Body Work,

  • Bach Flower Remedies, Reflexology, Acupressure, Practical Herbalism through CNHP/Trinity Colle

  • Young Living Essential Oils Distributor and Educator: 2009

  • Raindrop Therapy Practitioner: 2009 Instructor Linda Penkala

  • Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: 2009 Instructor Linda Penkala

  • Touch for Health Fundamentals: 2010 Instructor John Macguire

  • Touch For Health 1 & 2 Certification: 2011 Instructor Sharn Zabel

  • Premier Research Labs Supplement Distributor Level 1: 2012 Instructor Alyse Shockey

  • Teeth and Tongue Analysis: 2012 Instructor Alyse Shockey

  • Master Energy Kinesiologist Practitioner/Instructor of Kinergetics/Certification: 2009-2012 units 1-5, instructor courses - Instructor Natalie Nehman and founder Philip Rafferty

  • RESET Practitioner/Instructor/Certification: 2012 Instructor Philip Rafferty 

  • Balancing Vitamin & Mineral Toxicity Practitioner/Instructor/Certification: 2012 instructor Philip Rafferty

  • Voice America Radio Host for Health & Wellness show called "Harmonious Health": 2012

  • Qi Revolution 4 Day Instensive Training: 2013 Instructor Jeff Primack Qi Gong Master/Founder

  • Applied Kinesiology Shortcuts Practitioner: 2013 Instructor Dr. Sheldon Deale

  • Sozo Healing Practitioner: 2013 Instructor Beth Hornsby

  • Health Coach Certification: 2015 Instructor Doug Addison, In Light Connection

  • Ordained Minister: 2015 Universal Light Church, 

  • Gua Sha: 2016 Instructor Grace Roath, Acupuncture by Grace

  • Fire Cupping: 2016 Instructor Grace Roath, Acupuncture by Grace

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy: 2017 Instructor Tad Wanveer, Upledger Institute

  • Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils: 2018 Instructor Karen Schembari, Schembari Family Wellness

  • Reiki 1 Certification: 2018 Instructor Becky Smith, Arundel Acupuncture

  • Reiki 2 Certification: 2018 Instructor Becky Smith, Arundel Acupuncture

  • Family Constellations Workshop: 2018 Instructor Susan Ulfelder LMT/BCPP, Hellinger Institute of DC

  • Family Constellations: 2018 Instructor Dr. Bertold Ulsamer Clinical Psychologist/Author

  • Qi Gong for Health, Vitality & Longevity: 2018 Instructor Jeffrey Chand RAc/ Qi Gong Master

  • Reik 3 Master Certification: 2019 Instructor Becky Smith, Arundel Acupuncture

  • Crystal Healing the Complete Certified Practitioners Course: 2021 Instructor Sasha Miller

  • Now You Know Herbal Remedies Course 2023

JOSHUA BUCKLAND (LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST/REIKI MASTEr/qi gong instructor, certified reflexologist, certified cranial sacral therapist)

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist that does Integrative massage specializing in repairing injuries and chronic pain. I use a combination of traditional Massage Techniques as well as Reiki, Acupressure, and Cranial Sacral Therapy. I graduated from Baltimore School of Massage, worked at Hand and Stone in Severna Park for 3 years and started my own practice in 2020 called Mind Body & Soul Therapeutic Massage.

  • Licensed Massage Therapist Baltimore School of Massage 2016

  • Cancer Treatment and Massage Therapy Certification 2017

  • Detailed approach to Low Back Pain Certification 1 2017

  • Detailed approach to Low Back Pain Certification 2 2018

  • Prenatal Massage Certification 2018

  • Usui Reiki 1 & 2 Certification 2021

  • Usui Reiki Master Certification 2022

  • Professional Accredited Life Coaching 2022

  • Qi Gong for Health and Healing Instructor Certification 2022

  • Qi Gong for Health, Vitality and Longevity Certification 2022

  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage Certification 2022

Joshua is available Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday at 120 Wellness for Integrative Massage, Reflexology, Body Work, Cranial Sacral Therapy

Drema Stern (certified Yoga Instructor)

I am trained in the beautiful healing art of Kaiyalya Yoga. I want to encourage and challenge you to attempt more difficult poses in hopes of strengthening your core, elevating stress and improving mobility.

  • 2022 Yoga Instructor Certification Kaiyalya Yoga Method Academy

Becky Smith (Licensed Acupuncturist/Reiki Master) -offers Acupuncture, Gua Sha, Cupping, Reiki

schedule please text her 240-461-7968

JEN CASE (Licensed Family Nurse Practitioner).

  • to schedule www.129healthandwellness.com

Trusted Practitioners we refer to:

Kovach Chiropractic- Dr. Alicia Kovach and Dr. Aric 410-697-3566

Salt Room- Karen Shembari owner Salt on Main 301-776-SALT